txTylz is a new concept that expands your creative thinking skills.
Use all your pieces in an interconnected manner to state anything that makes sense before your time runs out. Other players stay glued to your Play to see if they will have the chance to win points off your demise. First Player to reach the winning score is a Genius (winner)
The 56, 2 sided txTylz pieces are composed of: symbols, words and word parts, letters, numbers and pictograms and used to form anything that makes sense , i.e. sentences, words, names, statements, slogans, phrases etc.
Like other popular board games, Plays may be challenged, so be prepared to explain what you are trying to say.
Set Up
— all pieces are placed in the playing pouch
— Bonus Block is placed on the playing surface
— paper and pencil are needed for scoring. Download Scoresheet and instructions from this site.
How 2 Play
— Each Player rolls the Bonus Block to see who goes first. Use the dots on the Block as you would a dice. High number goes frist. Roll again for ties.
— Choose winning score, 250, 375 or 500
— Player grabs as many pieces as they wish, at least 10, from the Playing Pouch-without looking at the pieces and places them on the playing surface so they are flat.
— Player may at this time decide if they wish to flip any or all of the pieces over. Once looked at or flipped, that is the side that is played…no peeking is allowed.
— Set a timer, we suggest your timer app on your cell phone or a kitchen or egg timer that has a 1 and 2 minute countdown with sound. Set the timer for 2 minutes and START
— Player tries to use all their pieces to say whatever they can that makes sense in an interconnected manner, before the timer sounds. Each direction of play stands individually of the others.
— Play stops when the timer sounds. AT this moment these things can happen:
1) if Player has played all pieces and the Play is accepted***: points are tallied, pieces are put back in the pouch & play continues with the Player to the Left. No Bonus Round is played.
2) if Player has played all pieces and the Play is NOT accepted: NO points are scored, all pieces are put back in the pouch, play continues with the Player to the Left. No Bonus Round is played.
3) if Player HAS NOT used all pieces: any other Player may grab the Bonus Block for an opportunity to gain points.They do not roll the Bonus Block until and if:
a. if the Play is NOT accepted: all pieces are returned to the pouch and play passes to the Player to the Left. The player who grabbed the Bonus Block does not get to roll it and no Bonus Round is played.
b. if the Play IS accepted: points are tallied & the Bonus Block Player rolls to see if they may play the remaining pieces on the existing Play and gain extra points. SEE BONUS ROUND
Get yours now at the SHOP. Or Download Official Rules here.
*** accepted Play is one where at least one other Player has understood what you have stated & what you are trying to say.
The Player who has the Bonus Block rolls and plays according to what the Bonus Block shows:
AS IS—Player sets timer to 1 min. & plays remaining pieces as they are – on the existing Play–if they do not play all pieces before the timer sounds, any other Player may grab the Bonus Block, roll and see if they can gain points.
TOSS—Player gathers all remaining pieces, tosses them, sets timer to 1 min., tries to play all pieces as they have landed –on the existing Play, if they do not play all pieces before the timer sounds, any other Player may grab the Bonus Block, roll and see if they can gain points.
PASS–no play can happen and the Bonus Block can be grabbed by any of the Players, including the Player that just rolled.
Player points — All pieces are worth 2 pnts if played and 1 pnt against, if not played.
Bonus Player Points — Bonus Round pieces are scored as follows:
— all played are 3 pnts
— un-played are 1 pnt against
Points may be tallied by marking all gained under (+) in one column and all against (-) in another.
IF ANY PLAYER initially takes more than 18 pieces and plays them all within the 2 minute time limit, unchallenged, then that Player is awarded 50 Genius points….please take a pic and send in–we collect all Genius plays.
Please send in any creative ways that you have used the pieces, especially ways that have been challenged, so that we can set a standard of acceptable ways to play the pieces for future users.
As with all creative thinking games—abstract use — is encouraged, as long as you can explain it if challenged. Like minds think alike, but when playing with those who may not be creative thinkers–your salesmanship skills will have to be used.
Get yours at the SHOP now.
Copyright © txTylz LLC, all rights reserved. Protected under U.S. and International Copyright laws.